Sie sind hier: Startseite / Publikationen / Vorarlberger Autoren Gesellschaft / Im Vertrieb der Vorarlberger Autoren Gesellschaft / Eva Grabherr (ed.): "... a very small Jewish community with only memories left to keep it alive!" Jews in Hohenems. Catalogue of the Jewish Museum Hohenems.

Eva Grabherr (ed.): "... a very small Jewish community with only memories left to keep it alive!" Jews in Hohenems. Catalogue of the Jewish Museum Hohenems.

1996, 85 Seiten, kt., ISBN 3-901168-05-2, öS 100,- / € 7,27



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The catalogue of the collection includes all the documents, photographs, paintings and objects in the Museum's permanent exhibition as at May 1995. At the same time, it gives a description of the contents of each section of the Museum.

This catalogue follows the arrangement of the objects in the permanent exhibition. Catalogue numbers match those used in the descriptions of exhibits, and these numbers are also included in the computerized records. This facilitates identification of the relevant items for the purpose of academic or scientific enquiries. The descriptions include the title, material, data, explanatory information and details of ownership.

The collection has expanded further in the years since the Museum opened in April 1991. In this connection, particular mention should be made of photographs and documents from the private collections of descendants of the Jewish families of Hohenems, which have, in the interim, been passed to the Museum for processing and safekeeping.


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